Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment

Gums are an integral part of oral health. By keeping your gums healthy, you can prevent major teeth conditions such as painful teeth, wobbly teeth, and more. Also, healthy gums keep serious diseases at bay too.

By maintaining a good routine oral hygiene, you can avoid gum disease or periodontal disease. But sometimes, gum diseases develop even after a lot of care. In such conditions, dental and medical treatment is deemed necessary.

The dentist uses special procedures and specialized dental instruments to clean the teeth and gums. There are periodontal services to treat severe gum diseases such as Scaling & Root Planning, Gingival Grafts or Connective Tissue Grafts, Gum recession, and more. Periodontal therapy is considered highly effective in keeping the gums protected. There are many other significant advantages of quickly addressing a gum disease such as maintaining a beautiful smile, odor-less breath, pain relief, plaque and tartar accumulation removal, identification of other related health problems, and more.

You must visit Franklin Bright Smiles to avail best teeth and gum services.

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3/54 Nullarbor Avenue Franklin Canberra ACT 2913

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Mon - Fri - 09.00 am - 06.00 pm
Sat & Sun - Closed

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