CLINIC OPENING SPECIAL OFFER $499 In-Chair Teeth Whitening

June 8, 2024

Teeth Whitening

It is important to know the facts about teeth whitening and see the right person for the job – your dentist.


What causes teeth to change colour?

• The white enamel on the outside of teeth can wear away. This makes teeth look darker and more yellow.

• Foods such as spices, berries,beetroot, and sauces.

• Drinks such as tea, coffee, andred wine.

• Tar from cigarette smoking.

• Damage to teeth from accidents.


Medicines and damage from accidentscan change the colour of teeth. These stains may be deep inside the teeth.Whitening gels used on the outside of teeth may not change the colour of theseteeth. Your dentist can talk to you about other treatment options to try andmake these teeth whiter.


Professional ‘in-chair’whitening

A strong teeth whitening gel isused during an appointment at the dental clinic. You will leave yourappointment with whiter teeth. Your dentist knows how to do this treatmentsafely.


Most common tips to avoidstaining

• Take good care of your teeth bybrushing and cleaning between them every day.

• Rinse your mouth with water after having food or drinks that can cause stains.

Schedule a consultation with Dr.Shruti Biyani to discuss your whitening goals and determine if the In-Chair Teeth Whitening Special is right for you.

Ready to shine brighter than ever? Call (02) 62740404 or Book Your Appointment Online to reserve your $499 In-Chair Teeth Whitening Special today.

We provide dental services to our patients from below areas of Canberra (ACT) region;

Dentist Canberra City|Dentist Gungahlin|Dentist Woden |Dentist Barton| Dentist Franklin| Dentist Forrest |Dentist Manuka| Dentist Harrison|Dentist Red Hill| Dentist Barton | Dentist Tuggeranong| Dentist Casey|Dentist Crace| Dentist Fyshwick|Dentist Forde|Dentist Amaroo|Dentist Taylor|Dentist Whitlam|Dentist Coombs| Dentist Molonglo Valley|Dentist Kambah|Dentist Deakin

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