Kids Dentistry

December 1, 2023

Children Dentistry

Symptoms of teething can start as early as 3 months of age. It can continue up to 2.5 – 3 years of age.

Tooth decay and teeth grinding are two common issues in children, due to unhealthy eating habits and poor oral care. You must ensure to take your child for a regular dental checkup frequently.

Having healthy baby teeth means a healthy body. It enhances the kid’s ability to eat all the different kinds of food they like to eat. Milk teeth are also crucial to maintain just like adult teeth.

If the primary teeth are lost early, it may impact the space of the adult teeth. Maintain your children’s healthy habits by taking them to Franklin Bright Smiles with Dr. Shruti Biyani.

When should children have their first dental visit?

The first dental visit is recommended when the first teeth push into the mouth or by age 1, whichever comes first.

Baby teeth : Children are recommended to see a dentist by 1 year of age no matter how many teeth they have.

Children usually have all their baby teeth by age 3.Around 6 years of age, children start to lose their baby teeth.

This makes room for the adult teeth. The last baby teeth fall out around 12 years of age.

What happens at the visit when a baby only has a few teeth?

The dentist will check that your child’s teeth are healthy. They will also talk to you about:

• Tooth-friendly foods and drinks

• Tips for brushing and flossing

• Toothpaste

• Habits such as using a dummy or thumb-sucking

• Teething

• What to expect as your child keeps growing

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?

It’s a government-funded setup that offers financial help (capped at $1,095) to eligible kids for basic dental services over two consecutive calendar years.

Got more questions about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) and whether your child is eligible?

Check the Services Australia website for eligibility check or give Medicare a ring at 132 011.

At Franklin Bright Smiles Dental Surgery, we also provide dental services to the kids eligible for Child Dental benefit Schedule (CDBS).

We provide dental services to our patients from below areas of Canberra (ACT) region;

Dentist Canberra|Dentist Gungahlin|Dentist Woden |Dentist Barton| Dentist Franklin| Dentist Forrest |Dentist Manuka| Dentist Harrison|Dentist Red Hill| Dentist Barton | Dentist Tuggeranong| Dentist Casey|Dentist Crace| Dentist Fyshwick|Dentist Forde|Dentist Amaroo|Dentist Taylor|Dentist Whitlam|Dentist Coombs| Dentist Denman|Dentist Kambah|Dentist Deakin

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